Homework Tips for Students with Learning Challenges

Oct 3, 2023 | Tips for Parents

With the school year in full swing, it is time to readjust to homework routines. Teachers work hard each school day to keep their students engaged as they learn, but what about outside the classroom? Parents of children with learning challenges may find that at-home assignments can be difficult. In today’s blog, Education Destination is bringing tips and strategies for parents to help their students successfully complete their homework.

Create the Perfect Workspace

Being at home is a comfortable environment for children. Often, this can lead to difficulty focusing on tasks, especially for students with learning challenges. Because it is a familiar setting, it is important to designate a place within the home for doing homework to help eliminate distractions and increase attention span. Setting aside an area free of televisions or phones and stocked with basic school supplies, such as paper and pencils, is best. Creating this space in the home will separate leisure time from work time, allowing for more productive studying. 

Establish Organization

When learning challenges are present, students often benefit from structured approaches to their learning. Classrooms are organized to direct students’ attention and create a routine, and forming a similar plan for doing homework is essential. These strategies can be used at home to create consistency and produce strong learning outcomes. 

  • Review all assignments from each school day with your child. This will give them an understanding of all the tasks that need to be completed. 
  • Establish a schedule or timeline for the homework assignments. Decide which should come first and include time for taking breaks. 
  • Work with your student to explore notetaking styles that help them remember key information for exams or quizzes.
  • Use a calendar or simple planner to write down and keep track of assignments each week.

Divide the Workload

Students with learning challenges may need extra guidance when completing assignments. One way to help them is by dividing the work into smaller sections. If you split homework into increments, your child may find focusing on one piece at a time more manageable. You can do this by taking breaks after a certain amount of time working, or you can write on paper at which points you should stop before moving on to the next section.

Have Patience

Establishing effective study skills can take time and sometimes involves trial and error until landing on a routine that works best. Remember that having a child with learning challenges is a unique experience for each family, and learning solutions are not a one-size-fits-all. If you or your child begin to feel discouraged with their homework, remember there are resources available. Here are a few options to consider when seeking further assistance. 

  • Reach out to their teacher. They will be familiar with the assigned material and may have recommendations based on their performance in the classroom.
  • Ask other parents if they have suggestions for new strategies. If they have had a similar experience, they can offer tips that have worked for them. 
  • Listen for any feedback your child may offer while working. If you notice they need help to focus or complete assignments, check in with them and let them know you are there for them. 

Education Destination is Here for You

Education Destination is a nonprofit learning center dedicated to improving academics for students with learning challenges. Our organization exists to provide a caring and loving educational classroom setting while also helping our students and their families beyond the school day. Our goal every day is to see our students succeed. For more information about our school or to stay up to date with our blog, visit our website or give us a call!