About Us

EDUCATION DESTINATION  is a nonprofit educational center that fosters a positive academic and social learning environment for students with learning challenges. EDS provides a safe and loving learning environment to break down walls and foster a caring community for students who struggle to establish themselves as active members within the classroom, community, and home. A center to realize that each student’s voice and input are essential for personal growth and ownership of their academic and social skills journey.


Our mission is to foster a positive academic and social learning environment for students with learning challenges.


Our vision is to offer a wide range of services for students and families that go beyond academic and social learning.


Our core belief is that every child can achieve success.

The foundation of our core belief is built upon the Whole Child Approach to education.  Education Destination believes that success is attained through building a collaborative learning environment creating a positive connection of student, family, school, and community.

EDS inspires and motivates students to become empowered by understanding and embracing the value of their unique learning style.